How can I purchase access to the AHP Preceptorship Programme?
From the moment you register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) you become accountable and are expected to be autonomous with a responsibility to uphold the professional standards set by your professional body and HCPC.
Preceptorship is defined by the Department of Health (2010) as ‘a period of structured transition for the newly registered practitioner during which he or she will be supported by a preceptor to develop their confidence as an autonomous professional, refine skills, values and behaviours to continue on their journey of lifelong learning’.
The AHP Preceptorship Programme is a step-to-step guide to help with your transition from student to newly qualified AHP.
What AHP Professions are currently involved in the Programme?
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy
What Trust’s are currently involved in the Pan-London AHP Preceptorship Programme?
Barnet Enfield and Haringey NHS Foundation Trust
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust
East London NHS Foundation Trust
North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust (Host)
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
South West London and St George’s NHS Trust
West London NHS Trust
Our HEE funding covers the Nine Mental Health Trusts in London.
Who are the AHP Preceptorship Leads?
Felicity Devereux, Podiatrist
Anna Gillespie, Occupational Therapist
Hannah Tomkins, Physiotherapist
All based at Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
How can I contact someone about the AHP Preceptorship Programme and how can I request a portfolio?
You can contact us via our email, website or social media accounts. You are able to request an AHP Preceptorship Portfolio via our website.
Twitter: @OxAHPpreceptor
Instagram: @OxleasAHPpreceptorship
What is a Preceptee, Preceptor and Grandparent?
Preceptee – Newly Qualified AHP
Preceptor – clinical supervisor/line-manager to the Newly Qualified AHP
Grandparent – Team/Service Lead or AHP Preceptorship Leads
What is involved in the AHP Preceptorship Programme?
For Preceptee’s
Monthly virtual Pan-London meetings for Preceptee’s with the Preceptorship Leads
A Preceptorship Portfolio
1:1 virtual meetings
CPD, support and guidance
Preceptorship Accreditation from LSBU – 20 masters credits for a completed Preceptorship Portfolio
A Pan-London AHP community
For Preceptor’s
AHP Preceptorship Training
Bi-monthly Pan-London Preceptor meetings
1:1 virtual meetings
A Pan-London AHP community
What is the AHP Preceptorship Porfolio?
You will be provided with an AHP Preceptorship Programme Portfolio where you’ll be able to collate your evidence for each competency, Curriculum Vitae, Supervision sessions, Observed Clinical Practice, CPD Certificate and Endorsements.
For each competency and evidence you will be required to fill out the HCPC Standard 3 & 4.
Our core competencies cover;
Personal and People Development
Health Safety and Security
Equality and Diversity
Profession and Post Specific
How long does it take to complete Preceptorship?
The AHP Preceptorship Programme is designed to be completed in the first twelve months post qualification on entering employment as a qualified clinician.
We recommend monthly Preceptorship meetings with your preceptor to discuss the progress with your portfolio.
At 6 months we would recommend a half way review.
What if I’ve been in my post for up to 6 months?
You are still welcome to join the programme. You can backdate your evidence.
What if I’m already completing a profession specific Newly Qualified Practitioner programme or a my Trust’s Preceptorship Programme? i.e. RCSLT NQP Goals
The AHP Preceptorship Programme compliments other programmes which you can do alongside each other.
We are aware RCSLT has a mandatory compliance with their NQP Goals. We have created a guide on how you can use the same evidence for NQP Goals and AHP Preceptorship Competencies.
COP, CSP, RCOT and DBA do not have mandatory competencies to complete as an Newly Qualified Practitioner.
What are the benefits of the AHP Preceptorship Programme?
Being part of a wider AHP community and an AHP community that are Newly Qualified. Some AHP’s may be the only Band 5 in the team.
CPD is AHP specific
Additional support for Preceptor’s and Preceptee’s
Preceptorship Training (for preceptor’s) which is aimed for AHPs, includes HCPC standards and supervision.
The Programme is currently virtual which means it is easily accessible
The portfolio has generic competencies which everyone completes and also has the flexibility to be adapted to each profession and role
LSBU Preceptorship Accreditation which means they can gain 20 masters credits for the completion of the portfolio.