
Welcome to the new AHP Preceptorship portal!  We are excited to finally launch a user-friendly website to support our portfolio and we hope that you can make the most of this online resource.

Our favourite things to highlight:

  • The calendar – here you will find the dates of the upcoming meetings, key dates and links to previous recorded meetings
  • Competencies – now electronically recorded where you can upload up to 12 supporting documents to evidence your competency. You can use different formats such as Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets, images and more…
  • Live Twitter feed – where you can see our most recent Tweets
  • News area for blogs – there will be the opportunity for our Preceptees to write blog posts that could be used as evidence to their competencies in future

This portal can be purchased as a separate ‘portal only’ package for organisations to access of they wish.  If you have any Preceptorship enquiries please do not hesitate to get in touch.  For current Preceptees – please head over to ‘Register Now’ to get your log in set up and gain access to the portal! #AHPPreceptorshipPortal